Friday, June 12, 2009

What EVERY married couple needs!

I wanted to tell you about these books my DH & I just finished! They are A-MA-Zing!!!! There are 2 of them, One is called "For Women Only" And the other is called "For Men Only", By Shaunti & Jeff Feldham. I swear, they are incredible! They polled hundreds of men & women on relationship issues for each book. Then compiled & explained the answers in a way that each gender can understand. Hy husband & I have not gotten in even a minor dissagreement after reading them, over a month ago! They have completely transformed our already great relationship & taken it to a whole new level! The are both pretty short, but packed full of great information. It was so funny, because it's stuff that we as women, just assume that they know about us, when they really have no idea we think that way, & vice versa! After reading just the first few chapters, DH came to me and read something the book had said & was like "Is this true? Do you really think this way?" I told him that it was definitely true, like whoever wrote the book could read my mind. He was shocked, he had no idea. I highly recommend looking into them, They have also made this whole TTC process so wonderful, because now he really knows what I need from him emotionally & I know what he needs from me!
Just wanted to share that with you guys!


A Joyful Chaos said...

Thanks for sharing, I will want to read these too. A book that i thought was really wonderful is called Created to be his Help Meet I have learned so much from it.

Anonymous said...

GAH! I've posted on the books a few times. We've both read them twice!! :) We even saw them speak in December when they came to Houston. My advice? Read it again in 6 months. You'll be shocked at how quickly you forget everything.